Meet the Team - Sue
With the festive season fast approaching, we thought we'd treat you with our tenth Meet the Team interview!

In this blog, you'll get to know all about our fantastic Sue, who joined the team all the way back in 2000. Take it away, Sue!
Hi Sue! Could you tell us a bit about yourself and what you like to do outside of work?
I've worked for PalletOnline's sister company, Browns Distribution, for almost 22 years, and worked in pretty much all of the departments. A little over two years ago I transferred to PalletOnline, and I thoroughly enjoy it here, even though it can be a little stressful at times. I enjoy the challenge, though.
I also have three sons and five grandchildren and live with my partner on a smallholding. Outside of work I enjoy keeping fit and looking after my animals. Hopefully next year I will be able to adopt a couple of donkeys!!
When you're not horsing around, what are your main responsibilities here at PalletOnline?
I work as part of the customer care team here, talking to customers on our Live Chat and also on the phone answering the many questions and queries that you can get with logistics.
What do you like the most about being part of the PalletOnline team?
The best part about working in the PalletOnline office is definitely my colleagues! We have a really great bond and can still have fun even on some very stressful days.
Time for quick-fire questions, let's go!
If you could travel the world for free, where would you go first?
I'd definitely go to Borneo. I'd love to see and work with the Orangutans.
Do you have any hobbies?
In my spare time, I enjoy keeping fit by doing HIIT classes at the gym. I also have lots of animals, including chickens, ducks, geese and dogs which I love to look after.
So many animals! It's eggstraordinary!
Are you a morning or night person?
I'd say I'm definitely a morning person-ish
What is your favourite place to go on holiday?
I love the Caribbean, so I'd have to go with that.
A company trip to the Caribbean sounds fantastic!
What do you think, David?
What’s something you could eat for a week straight?
Baked potatoes are definitely my favourite meal as you can have so many different choices of toppings. Yum yum!
If you could learn any language in a week, which would it be?
I'd probably choose to learn Spanish. I can speak a little, and I think it's very universal! - Feliz Navidad!
But Sue, it's only November?!
Who is your favourite comedian?
Peter Kay without a doubt. He's hilarious.
What's the next thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish?
I don't really have a bucket list per se. I just like to go with the flow.
I think everyone should have a bucket list!
This one would be at the top of my list, personally.
What was your favourite subject at school?
My favourite subject at school would have to be History; I've always found it so fascinating.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, I 100% believe in ghosts. Very spooky!
And that's the end of our interview today. Thank you for your time, Sue, and it's been great getting to know you!
Before you go, we thought we'd treat you with a generous 5% discount off your next pallet delivery booking as a thanks for reading our Meet the Team blogs.
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