Friday 25th March 2022
Meet the Team

Meet The Team - Hayley

We've introduced you to David, our Head of Ecommerce, now it's time to meet our Digital Marketing Manager, Hayley!

Meet The Team - Hayley

Hi there, Hayley, could you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do here at PalletOnline?

Yes of course! I'm the Digital Marketing Manager here at PalletOnline, so I'm responsible for most sales and marketing communications with our customers - from the content on the website to our social media channels, emails, advertising, and much more!

When I'm not in the office you'll find me either in the cinema, out hiking somewhere, or in the gym!

Sounds great! What do you enjoy the most about working with the team here?

I've got to say, the team here is probably one of the best teams I've ever worked with. Every single person in the team is so motivated, and positive - they make the office such a great place to work. I can honestly say I look forward to coming to the office every day, and a lot of that is down to the lovely people who are part of the PalletOnline team!

So, we've heard you're a pretty avid gamer! Describe your perfect gaming night in.

Gaming is definitely a guilty pleasure... I'd say my perfect gaming night would consist of snacks, wine, and friends. To me, there's nothing better than spending a night in front of my PC playing games and having a laugh with some of my favourite people!

Time for some quick-fire questions! 3...2...1...GO!

What was your first job?

My first job was working behind a bar, pulling pints for a local pub! I only worked there for a few months between finishing college and starting my apprenticeship.

What is your favourite animal?

I'd have to say horses. As a little girl, I was fascinated by them! I started helping out at my local stables as soon as I was allowed to at age 11, and I even went on to do a diploma in Equine studies at Reaseheath college. My first ambition was to become a physiotherapist for working horses, but then I discovered my love for marketing.

Talk about a career change!

What is your favourite season?

That's a tough one... I love Winter because of the snow; I'm a snowboarder so I love to get away to the slopes every now and then, but I also love Autumn. Crunchy leaves, warm scarves, and bonfires - you can't go wrong.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite food has to be smoked salmon, lemon, and black pepper pasta (a bit of a wild card, I know - but don't knock it til you try it!)

Hmm... something sounds fishy

What software do you use the most during the workday?

Trello - I couldn't live without it... I even have a board for organising home DIY projects!

Who is your favourite artist?

I love all genres of music so I don't have a specific artist that I would consider my absolute favourite, but whenever Spotify does my end-of-year wrap, Red Hot Chilli Peppers are always at the top of the list for most played, so let's go with them.

What is your dream car?

There are lots of cars that I'd love to own, but if I had to choose just one off my list, it would be a Nissan Skyline R34. I've always been into my cars, and I'd love to sit in, let alone own, an R34 at some point in my life.

They see me rollin!

If you could choose anyone to work with you in the office for a day, who would it be?

That's such a tough question! There are so many people I would love to work with, but recently, I read about Steven Bartlett's story - how he went from struggling with his exams and being a university dropout to becoming a millionaire at the age of 23. I'd love to spend a day working with him.

What one thing do you think is super overrated that everyone seems to love?

A bit of a controversial topic, I know, but I'd have to say Apple products. I've never been able to get on with them!

What world record do you think you have a shot at beating?

Now this one's easy... The most amount of time spent scrolling through Instagram reels!

We don't blame you! It's reely addicting!

That's the second of our Meet the Team blog series done and dusted!

Many thanks to Hayley for her time and we can't wait to introduce you to one of our customer service team members!

Discount Time!

Before you go, you know what time it is!

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