What Are the Amazon FBA Pallet Delivery (LTL) Guidelines?

If you're looking to ship a pallet to an Amazon fulfillment centre, there are some important rules and regulations to keep in mind.

As long as you follow the guidelines we've outlined below, you should have no trouble getting your pallet to Amazon smoothly.


What are the load pallet dimensions and weight? 

Before sending your goods to Amazon, we recommend ensuring they meet the correct load pallet dimensions and weight guidelines.

To help make this easier for you, we've listed the pallet dimensions and weight guidelines below: 

  • - Height must not exceed 1.8 metres, this includes the height of the pallet. 
  • - Weight must not exceed 1,000kg. (Please note: if the weight exceeds 500kg, you must affix a "heavy goods" label to the pallet)


What if a pallet is broken or damaged? 

Amazon won't accept pallets that are broken or damaged, which means they might reject your delivery.

Unfortunately, we can't supply pallets or wrapping materials for items headed to Amazon fulfilment centres.

It's essential that you, as the sender, palletise all goods according to Amazon's Terms and Conditions.


What pallet types are accepted? 

According to Amazon's FBA pallet delivery rules, all pallets need to be the standard 4-way access type. Make sure they're wooden as Amazon won't accept plastic pallets.

We've outlined all the requirements for your Amazon pallet delivery below:

  • - Appropriate Dimensions: 1,200mm x 1,000mm x 150mm.
  • - All Pallets Must Be Shrink-Wrapped.
  • - There Must Be No Loose Cartons On Top.


What are the label requirements?

When you're shipping your goods through our pallet delivery network to Amazon, it's essential to make sure your pallet is labelled correctly before we pick it up.

Just make sure you've got a piece of paper at least as big as A4, and on it, print out the following info:

  • - To: (Address Of Amazon Fulfilment Centre)
  • - From: (Vendor Address i.e. Your Full Address)
  • - Purchase Orders
  • - Number Of Cartons
  • - Number Of Units
  • - Pallet Count


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